Frequently asked questions

Here we answer the most frequently asked questions. If we’ve missed one, please feel free to get in touch and let us know, by emailing We will endeavour to answer your questions as soon as possible. Let’s dive in.

What is History Hub?

History Hub is a free resource for students and scholars of history. The articles listed here have been submitted and are always accredited to the author.

Can I submit my history essay for review?

Yes, simply email your essay to Our editorial team will then get back to you with comments, in case revisions need to be made, or the link to your published essay. We aim to respond to all requests within 24 hours.

Can I have my essay edited or deleted once it’s published?

Yes, just send an email specifying the changes you’d like us to make. We typically handle these kind of requests within 48 hours.

Do authors get paid?

Authors are not paid. The History Hub team works on a volunteer basis, and all essay submissions are on a volunteer basis.

Can I include a link to my LinkedIn account?

Yes, you are free to add relevant biographical links at the top or bottom of your essays.

Is History Hub a for-profit organization?

No, History Hub is run by volunteers and does not generate revenue.

How can I participate?

There are many different ways of helping History Hub beyond the submission of history essays. Spreading the word via Social Media, sharing interesting essays with your friends or informing your fellow University students about History Hub, are all great ways of helping.

If you’d like to join the team, please send an email to

What is the publishing process like?

We’ve answered this question in detail here. To summarize, the publishing process involves two phases and is typically concluded within 72 hours.